Me: What is your name and your age?
Mudan: My name is Mudan and I’m 20.
Me: Ok, what type of music do you listen to Mudan and why?
Mudan: I listen to different types of music but my preferred genre is R&B, artists like Usher, Rihanna, Chris Brown etc. Ummm I listen to them because I believe they have talent, their lyrics is something I can relate to, mostly about relationships and what happens in everyday life. Ummm I think the rhythms and beats is “crazyyyyy” but also “catchy”.
Me: I like them too lol, but getting back to the interview... umm do you like watching their music videos and if yes what do you like about them?
Mudan: definitely, because the music videos tell a story. Like Rihanna’s new song “what’s my name” with drake, his sexy. They act out how they met and fell in love and show intense passion scenes. I like watching it because it’s happened to me and they give me hope even though it doesn’t always work out in the same way as the video.
Me: Yea ok, so do you think all things you just described such as relating to the music videos could apply to other genres such as post-punk rock?
Mudan: Well, it’s not something I listen to but I’ve seen one music video by the Clash, my friend showed it to me I wasn’t really listening to the lyrics because I was dancing to the beat lol. I was like, jumping in the air and acting like I had a guitar like rock bands do. The song as like, crazy but don’t remember the name.
Me: post-punk rock is not rock, but moving on lol... would you buy CD’s or prefer to download?
Mudan: Hahahah, I saw this question coming, I prefer to download illegally but there are one or two CD’s I brought so I can listen to it in my car and I do like all the bonus tracks. And their like, umm they are more reliable as well I suppose.
Me: Alright, thanks for you time
Mudan: Anytime man!