Monday, 11 April 2011

Gender Repersentation issues

Women acting as men

For our music video decided to promote “Joy Division” and their song “No Love Lost”. The band members are all male which is ironic because the name “Joy Division” is a camp created for the Nazi soldiers (men) to rape Jewish women and use them as sex slaves. The band taking on such name in a way was a voice for the Jewish women that were less fortunate. However it’s somewhat giving men power; men created the camp which was negative power and men are also singing about the situation which is positive power. So as a group we had decided to play with gender roles and power we used women to enact the band that were essentially men. By doing this we had hoped to equalize the different genders and say “women can do everything a man can do”.

Challenging representation of gender: costume, smoking, drinking and deviance We had researched the band’s costume and live performance to copy their persona because they hardly made music videos they usually played at gigs and concerts. Research in to the genre also helped build the persona, hence the band being controversy at their time. We had recreated what would have been seen as controversy in the 80’s to suite our time period. The time difference showed how the gender roles have changed tremendously over the years. We show women smoking, drinking, stealing beers and acting deviant. The narratives of rebellious behaviour lead to naming our album deviance.

New band name “genderside” genocide With all the gender roles being switched we had felt that “Genderside” would be a suitable name for our band. We had taken the name from “Genocide” which originated in the 1948 from the holocaust a violent crime committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group, these were Hitler’s intentions. By playing on the word “Genocide”, we got gender the theme we are exploring throughout the music video then added “side” to the end of it to say one side of one gender is the other.

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